Acne scarring is a common but unwelcome side effect of adolescence when hormonal imbalances trigger the growth of pimples or cysts on the face. Sometimes the skin inflammation caused by the acne is so severe it causes unsightly scarring, resulting in bumpy, uneven, red skin.
Even after acne has healed, it can leave a red or brown mark on the skin. The redness or brown spots are seen as the skin is healing, which can takes as long as 6 months. If acne is controlled in that area, the skin can heal normally. Any color change or skin defect still present after 1 year is considered to be a permanent scar. The best way to prevent acne scars is to prevent acne from forming in the first place.
About Acne Scars
Acne scars are responsible for not only physical pain, but emotional discomfort as well. Many people dealing with acne scars feel embarrassed about their appearance, and some even experience lower self-esteem as a result of permanent acne scars. Acne affects over 80% of the population, and even if you are done experiencing active breakouts, you might still be annoyed about scars and discoloration left behind, forever leaving its mark on your complexion.
Many different types of acne scars can develop:
- One of the most common types of acne scarring are the ice pick scars, which are deep, narrow depressions in the skin that end in a sharp point. Ice pick scars are often difficult to treat through simple laser resurfacing procedures.
- Rolling scars are wide-reaching depressions in the skin that tend to be shallower than ice pick or boxcar scars. They create the appearance of rolling hills along the surface of the skin.
- Boxcar scars have angular depressions in the skin and appear most frequently around the temple and cheeks.
- Keloid scars occur when cells “overgrow” while regenerating to heal a wound in the skin. The result is often a raised or recessed mark in the skin that takes on a pink or purple hue.
It is important to keep skin and acne scars out of the sun and wearing sunscreen each day. Using a Retin-A product helps to clear existing acne and prevent new acne from occurring. You should avoid “picking” the skin. Picking at scabs interferes with the skin’s healing process increasing your changes of scarring your skin permanently.
Lasers, microneedling, radiofrequency, photodynamic acne therapy and other advanced technologies are all designed to treat different types of acne scars, including pigmentation, tone and texture concerns. Many of our patients suffer from a variety of symptoms and our dermatologists can combine therapies to offer optimal results. Acne treatment at Dermatology Institute of Southern California involves a complete skin analysis, the most advanced acne scar removal methods and an expert Los Angeles dermatologist team that selects the appropriate treatment for your complexion.
Acne Scar Treatments in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica
Today, thanks to the development of several advanced technologies, men and women no longer have to endure acne scarring. Scientists over the years have harnessed the power of lasers to help smooth out the surface of the skin and remove redness or other discoloration.
While previous acne scar treatments were invasive and only slightly effective, Los Angeles dermatologist Dr. Daniel Behroozan, along with his dedicated team of skin-care specialists, offer new technologies that successfully fade acne scars for patients at their Beverly Hills and Santa Monica offices.
The Right Acne Scar Treatment For You
At the Dermatology Institute of Southern California our highly trained dermatologists use Fraxel lasers and non-invasive treatments to fade acne scars and improve healing time.
- Fraxel Laser Treatment delves beneath the skin’s deepest layers to reduce acne scars, boost collagen production and repair deeper dermal levels. By delivering advanced waves of laser energy, Fraxel targets sun damaged and acne scarred skin, offering rejuvenation and resurfacing. The FDA-approved laser procedure stimulates cell renewal from the inside out and shows improvement of acne scars, creating smoother skin in just 3 to 4 sessions.
- Microneedling is an advanced technology that creates a series tiny punctures in the skin, stimulating the natural production of collagen and elastin, repairing irregular scar tissue. As new collagen is produced, your skin takes on a natural glow and the procedure helps reduce scars, stretch marks and wrinkles. Microneedling is a simple, yet effective treatment for mild to moderate acne scars and requires no downtime.
- Microdermabrasion is a skin revitalizing procedure that uses powerful exfoliation to smooth out acne scars, providing a clear, glowing complexion.
- Photodynamic Therapy is an advanced light-based procedure that improves sun-damaged skin, pitted acne scars and skin tone changes after just 3 treatments.
- Morpheus 8 Morpheus 8 combines traditional microneedling with radiofrequency energy which leads to a more dramatic stimulation of collagen and tightening of the skin simultaneously. It improves overall texture by improving scars, shrinking pores, smoothing the skin, erasing stretch marks, and tightening skin to give you a more youthful look with minimal downtime.
How Laser Treatment Helps Acne Scarring
Acne scars, ranging in severity from icepick, to rolling to boxcar, develop when an acne breakout initiates the body’s inflammatory response and causes collagen to become deformed. Picking, squeezing and popping pimples accelerates damage to the skin. Laser treatments and our other non-invasive acne treatment options stimulate new collagen production, creating firmer skin and a more balanced complexion.
Fraxel lasers are known for their unprecedented safety and effectiveness in treating skin conditions. The technology employs a fractional method of dividing the skin into thousands of columns, known as microscopic treatment zones (MTZ). By treating only select MTZs, the laser spares other healthy skin tissue during the treatment, allowing for shorter recovery times compared with traditional procedures.
Two types of Fraxel lasers are particularly effective in addressing acne scarring: Fraxel Re:Store and Fraxel Re:Pair. The two treatments differ, however, in their degree of aggressiveness. Fraxel Re:Store is a gentle method used to treat mild to severe cases of acne scarring. The benefit of this method is that recovery is short and you can go back to your daily routine within 2-3 days. But because of its mildness, anywhere from 4 to 8 treatments may be required to achieve the desired results, depending on each patient. Usually, the deeper the scar, the more numbers of treatments required.
Fraxel Re:Pair is a more aggressive procedure designed to treat more severe skin conditions. The drawback with Fraxel Re:Pair is that recovery following the procedure can take 7-10 days, although fewer treatments are needed overall than with Fraxel Re:Store. Some patients see results in as few as 1-2 treatments.
For even more information about Fraxel lasers, click here
Why Dermatology Institute of Southern California is the Best Choice
The board-certified Los Angeles dermatologist team at the Dermatology Institute of Southern California has access to the most advanced lasers, designed to treat acne scars with high rates of success. With the best choices of any facility in California, we can develop a treatment based on your needs, budget and schedule.
During an initial patient consultation at our Los Angeles office, Dr. Behroozan will examine your scars and determine which treatment will produce the best results, depending on your skin type, the types and severity of scarring, etc.
Your Next Step for
Acne Scar Removal
Our team is always available to answer questions and provide more information about acne scar removal options. Learn how Dr. Behroozan and his team can help you say goodbye to acne scars and hello to silky smooth skin.
Acne Scar Removal Before & After Photos
Beverly Hills
9090 Burton Way Beverly Hills,
CA 90211
Santa Monica
2221 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 100
Santa Monica, CA 90405