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Morpheus 8



How the Morpheus8 Treatment Works

Morpheus8 Beverly Hills

Morpheus8 is used to perform the microneedling RF treatment after numbing skin with a topical numbing cream medication. The skin is then cleansed with an antibacterial formula followed by the Morpheus8 Beverly Hills procedure on the face or body which takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

The Morpheus8 treatment can be combined with AccuTite, a subcutaneous radiofrequency treatment of the lower face, and for contouring and tightening the skin around the neck. A combination of the two treatments offers better results than if either of the treatments is applied independently.

Many people who receive the treatment start to see immediate results, but the optimum rejuvenation and anti-aging require at least three treatment sessions spaced 4 weeks apart.



What Skin Conditions Does Morpheus8 Treat?

There are many people of different ages who could benefit from RF microneedling treatment using the Morpheus8 device. This ground-breaking treatment can help to reduce the appearance of:

  • Body and facial scars
  • Skin texture issues, including dilated pores
  • Acne scars
  • Facial sagging and jowls
  • Fine wrinkles and lines
  • Sun damage

However, it is important to remember that everyone’s skin is unique, so the treatment recommendation that a doctor recommends for your case depends on your health history, anatomy, and aesthetic requirements.

Healing From Morpheus8 Treatment

After you complete a Morpheus8 treatment, there will be some redness and moderate swelling, as well as possible moderate bruising. However, there is a calming ointment and concealer that you may apply after treatment to reduce discomfort. In most cases, you may be able to wear your normal makeup and return to your usual activities a day after your treatment, with Morpheus8 having a maximum downtime of 3-4 days if you have had extensive deep treatments. Dr. Behroozan will provide you with the necessary pre- and post-treatment skincare instructions when you book a date for your procedure.

Have any queries? Please contact us.

Before and After Photos

Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Before & After Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Before & After Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Before & After Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Before & After Morpheus8 Beverly Hills Before & After




Beverly Hills
9090 Burton Way Beverly Hills,
CA 90211

(310) 392-1111



Santa Monica
2221 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 100
Santa Monica, CA 90405

(310) 392-1111


A link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided for informational purposes only. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.