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Which Injectable Do I Choose?

It is important to note that there is no set time to “start” receiving injectable treatments. Instead, they should be viewed as a part of a skin care plan that is developed with you and your dermatologist to address your concerns during regular visits. Developing your treatment plan earlier allows you to start fighting off the effects of aging before they happen as opposed to beginning everything all at once after the aging effects have already started to kick in.

Selecting your Injectable Treatment

The product and treatment selected depends on what your goals are. As a general guideline:

  1. Wrinkles at rest Dermal Fillers, Lasers
  2. Wrinkles during movement Neuromodulators
  3. Adding volume Dermal Fillers
  4. Rejuvenate/tighten/brighten Vampire Facial
  5. Reduce excess chin fat Kybella (for reducing body fat on other areas, we also offer CoolSculpting)
  6. Reduce excessive sweating Neuromodulators
  7. Improve smile lines Dermal Fillers

Because injectable treatments are so versatile, patients who do not have very visible wrinkles and lines can still be great candidates as well. As the natural aging process develops, previously unnoticeable features such as acne scars can become more visible as the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles form around them.

Neuromodulators such as Botox are also used to reduce excessive sweating in the underarms, scalp, palms, and feet.

PRP injections are also used to help reverse the effects of aging-related hair loss.

Certain conditions such as sun damage speed up the aging process up even more, and many anti-aging creams and products usually only address the uppermost layers of the skin instead of being able to penetrate the deeper layers below. Thus, the use of certain injectable treatments can be used to complement an existing skin care regimen or other skin care procedures such as laser treatments, microneedling, and microdermabrasion. Neuromodulators and dermal fillers are also frequently performed at the same time for many patients.

What to Expect

There is no downtime with injectable treatments. After your injectable treatment has been performed, it is possible to experience mild bleeding, swelling, and slight discomfort around the area where the injection took place. These are all normal, and are usually short in duration (wearing off within 24 hours most of the time). Many patients report that these aftereffects aren’t nearly as bad as they had initially anticipated, and go back to work or hit the gym the same day that they receive their treatments.


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As a general rule of thumb, the denser the product is and/or the more deeply it is injected, the longer it will last. Certain factors can affect this, such as the product, area of injection, and the patient’s natural healing process. Synthetic fillers tend to last longer as the body does not absorb these. Because these fillers last for a longer period of time, it is imperative to find someone who knows how to perform these injections correctly to ensure satisfactory results.

During your injectable treatment, the process normally goes as follows:

  1. Skin is cleansed and disinfected
  2. Local anesthetic is given (optional) and the skin is marked
  3. Injection is given
  4. Mild pressure is applied
  5. Skin is shaped and cleansed again
  6. Area is iced, and instructions are provided for what to do after leaving the office

Injectable treatments are not permanent, and will wear off as time passes. How long each filler lasts varies, as this depends on many factors. The timeframes mentioned are a rough average based on controlled tests. The results wear off gradually as opposed to wearing off all at once, and are not a “here today, gone tomorrow” situation; therefore, when patients notice that the results are beginning to diminish, they can then begin to plan out when their next treatment session will be.

Receiving touchup treatments every couple of months is recommended. Doing so spreads out the cost, minimizes any trauma to the injection site, and creates a more natural progression in results. For instance, receiving Botox treatments every 3 months in the beginning allows the muscle memory that creates forehead wrinkles to fade. Over time, a patient may be able to go from treating every 3 months to then treating every 4 months, then to 5 months, then to 6, etc.

Why Dr. Behroozan?

A common myth is that injectable treatments make you look as if you’ve had work done. This is incorrect. This only applies for treatments that have not been performed artistically and/or skillfully. Bad work is noticeable. You may have noticed that well done treatments aren’t talked about as much. This is because good work is not supposed to be noticeable. Injectable treatments are about rejuvenating your looks instead of trying to make you look different. Doing this properly requires a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, as well as the natural proportions of YOUR own face. Every person’s facial shape and features are customized, and skill is required in order to ensure that treatment is adjusted to address your unique composition.

Remember – injectables are only one component of a full skin care regimen, and should not be something that is intended to be performed all on its own. In addition to performing your injectable treatment, Dr. Behroozan will assist you in developing a full skin care regimen to be used in conjunction with your injectable treatment in order to ensure that your skin is healthy and looking its best.

Unsatisfactory Results

Injectable treatments are quick to perform, and the effects are long lasting; however, dissatisfaction with results is possible, and is most prevalent when performed by an injector who has not had the adequate experience. It is unfortunately very common for these treatments to be performed incorrectly. The biggest cause of unsatisfactory injection results is not the filler being used, but rather the technique of the injector. The skill level of the person performing the injection is the biggest factor to consider for your treatment – arguably moreso than the kind of injectable received. It is crucial to select a provider that has ample experience in order to ensure safety, satisfaction, and longevity. Even though these treatments are non-surgical, it is recommended to give these the same level of thought and due diligence as you would a surgical procedure.

For instance, Botox that is improperly injected can cause drooping of the brows. Dermal fillers that have not been artfully injected can cause asymmetry and too much volume in areas that cause the face to look unnatural. Injections in the cheeks require particular skill, as there is a fine line between a lifted, artfully sculpted look vs. having huge unnatural and bumpy looking cheeks while smiling.

Dr. Behroozan is board certified by the American Board of Dermatology, and has extensive experience with all variations of injectable treatments. He has been performing these procedures for thousands of patients for over 15 years.


Every procedure has its share of risks, and injectables are no exception. While complications are rare, they are possible and they are something you should be aware of. Receiving your injectable treatment from a board certified physician, such as Dr. Behroozan, ensures that proper technique and medical protocol is used. This will minimize your chances of any possible complications occurring.

Possible complications include persistent bleeding, soft tissue loss, and unintended effects on non-targeted areas (especially with neuromodulators). Other possibilities include infection. Allergic reactions are rare, but are also possible. It is important to let your physician know which medications you are taking prior to receiving your injectable treatment. Even rarer complications with dermal fillers can include stroke or even blindness.

A big red flag to be wary of is when you see large discounts being offered on injectable products. Often, this can mean that you are receiving diluted product that wears off quickly and won’t have long-lasting results. Large discounts on injectables can also mean that the treatment will be performed by someone inexperienced, which carries a much higher risk of complications or unsatisfactory results.

Alternatively, there have been instances where providers are offering knockoff products in order to lower costs. It is NOT advised to use these alternative products. For safety reasons, be sure to only use certified, approved products. These certified products have been tested extensively for safety, and also have the best chance of providing you with the best results. NEVER put your safety at risk by receiving injectable treatments from products that you have not done research on, or that are not certified.

Dr. Behroozan only uses authentic products that are obtained directly from the official manufacturers, and will always prioritize patient safety as his #1 concern through proper medical technique and official products.

While signs of aging are inevitable, they can actually be reversed by visiting a board-certified dermatologist with training in dermal fillers. Cosmetic and injection specialist Dr. Behroozan features the best dermal injectables for your particular skin care concerns. Whether you have wrinkles, hollow cheeks, or a saggy chin, the expert can enhance your appearance. Explore the fillers below to discover more about the exciting treatments we offer at our Southern California facilities!

Beverly Hills
9090 Burton Way Beverly Hills,
CA 90211

(310) 392-1111



Santa Monica
2221 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 100
Santa Monica, CA 90405

(310) 392-1111


A link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided for informational purposes only. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.