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A Side By Side Comparison of Liposuction and CoolSculpting

Spot reducing fat with diet and exercise alone is not possible. It is a hard fact to accept, and one that has led many to pursue liposuction. The surgical procedure does successfully remove fat but as it is an invasive procedure, there are risks, complications and at times, undesirable results in the form of lumps, bumps, waves and dimpling. Leading innovators in the cosmedical field understand the appeal of non-invasive procedures that offer phenomenal results. Out of these pursuits came CoolSculpting, a revolutionary new treatment that freezes unwanted fat cells without damaging healthy skin or tissue. There is no anesthesia, no incision, and no recovery time. The procedure delivers cooling technology that causes cell death in fatty adipose tissue. Over the next few weeks, the perished fat cells are disposed of by the body’s own immune system. Now that sucks the appeal of liposuction right out!

About Veronica Doe

Veronica Doe

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